👾 ForthBox Game Boosting Module for Ham Fantasy is LIVE NOW!
General users are able to register game accounts that could be shared with other users/scholars.
You can assign a distribution ratio of the owner address and scholar address. Both the owner and scholar can initiate a Hashrate claim, the hashrates will be distributed to respective wallet addresses automatically. Please note that each claim costs 5,000 hashrates as a service fee for both the owner and scholar.
By logging into the Game Boosting Module, both the owner and scholar can claim Hashrates and exchange Hashrates to Fantasy Boxes. For other features (open/trade a Fantasy Box, redeem MetaBull NFT, and redeem FBX token), you must connect to your wallet and sign to authorize the transactions. Please note that only the owner’s wallet can buy in-game Coins which can be used for playing the Ham Fantasy Game.
Shared game accounts do not have access to asset management, however, users of these accounts will be able to play games. Only the registrant who has bound the wallet to that account has management rights.