Ham Fantasy — Fantasy Box to FBX tokens Exchange Rule Update (09.07.2022)
Players can deposit their Fantasy Box to exchange for FBX tokens. There is no limit on the quantity of the Fantasy Box from each individual. Please note that the Fantasy Box will be sent to the black hole address immediately after your deposit, which means the process is irreversible. The reason why we call it “deposit” is easier for you to understand, technically, it is still “exchange” but not in real-time. You need to wait for the settlement time to complete the transaction.
From 5 PM to 3:59 PM UTC the next day, all the players can deposit their Fantasy Boxes and share FBX tokens based on an individual’s weighting. The game maintenance time is 4 to 5 PM UTC every day. During maintenance, the smart contract will automatically exchange and distribute FBX to the addresses that were deposited on that day based on the individual’s weighting. And then, the amount of total deposit of Fantasy Box will be reset to 0 after the system maintenance. It is completely up to you to choose when you want to deposit the Box and how many of them you want to exchange for FBX.
The formula of the daily dynamic repurchase/prize pool remains the same. We will explain the update in detail with an example.
For example, let’s say the prize pool is 200,000 FBX on any given day, and a total of 100 Fantasy Boxes are being deposited, which means each Fantasy Box can be exchanged for 2000 FBX (200,000/100). If you deposit 10 Boxes, you will get 20000 FBX (2000*10). If you are the only one who deposits (100 boxes), you will get all the prizes (200,000 FBX) for that day.
“Today’s estimated FBX earning” will be accumulated to “Your claimable amount” after the system maintenance. You can withdraw your FBX tokens at any time. Please note that there will be a charge of 100 FBX every time you withdraw.
The change will be effective from 5 PM UTC, July 11, 2022.
Ham Fantasy Game Economy Update (10.05.2022)
Since the launch of Ham Fantasy on May 1, we’ve had more than 4000 daily active users and accumulated more than 5000 reviews for the game in less than a week. It only took us 5 days to match the performance of Space War in 3 months. This is a marvelous achievement. The ForthBox team is going to develop games with different genres, satisfying the taste of different players.
In terms of the game economy design, we decide to apply the “Diminishing returns” rule to the existing model for the purpose of maintaining a healthy ecosystem in the long run. It means the yield you earn from the game will decrease as time goes by.
To be more specific, please refer to the table below:
Please note that there will be a bottom line for diminishing set at 20%(hashrate output will not go under 20%). After a period of time, when your hashrate output ratio is sitting in the range of 20% and 100%, you can choose to acquire a NEW set of 6 different Tower NFTs and consume a certain amount of FBX to revive the hashrate output ratio to 100%.
After the revival,
- Hashrate output ratio will resume to 100% immediately after the on-chain transaction, the first diminishing return will be activated after the system maintenance on that day
- Your coins/in-game items/tower levels/completed game chapters (levels) will remain the same status
If your hashrate output stays in the 20% bottom line for more than 10 consecutive days, it will be fixed at this rate. You will lose the qualification to revive the hashrate output ratio to 100%.
The change will be effective from 5 PM UTC, May 10, 2022. Everyone will start with a base hashrate output ratio of 100%, and the diminishing return will initiate after system maintenance at 5 PM UTC, May 11, 2022. Your current hashrate output ratio and the current diminishing ratio will be displayed on the game page.
An example to explain this mechanism:
For 0x23******4520, the current hashrate output ratio is 0.97, during system maintenance time, the highest game level this player has completed is level 30. After the maintenance, the hashrate output ratio will become 0.97–0.026=0.944. This means after 5 PM UTC, the hashrate output of this address will be multiplied by a ratio of 0.944.
Please note that the diminishing return model will still apply to the daily hashrate output even if you miss some of the plays after getting a ticket to the game (calculation based on the highest game level you have completed). In other words, even if sometimes you do not play the Ham Fantasy Game, the diminishing return model will still be activated.
After a period of time, let’s say the hashrate output is reduced to 50%, you have an option to revive it to 100% by merging a NEW set of Tower NFTs and spending 10,000 FBX (assuming the token price is at $0.03).